I Think God is OK with Golf!

I’ve known several staunch Christians who consider golf to be a silly waste of time, and question why one shouldn’t devote spare time to more serious pursuits, rather than chasing a small ball around a pasture.

I beg to differ….I believe two of the main things God wants us to accomplish during our time on this planet, is to grow as individuals, and serve as positive witnesses, by living our lives well.

Most golfers can fully appreciate the life lessons embedded in golf. I’ll open up a discussion about these in a future blog post. For now, I would like you to consider a quote from Emmy winning actor Craig T. Nelson (Photo credit: Angela George, CC BY-SA 3.0), as it appears in the dust jacket of my book:


“In Joe Bullock’s novel, Walking with Herb, I was pleased to find out that God cares about golf. Over the years of my golfing adventures and misadventures, I had become convinced that God didn’t like golf at all, and didn’t appreciate me playing it . Mr. Bullock’s book adjusted my mistaken point of view. God loves me and is invested in what I am doing and how I am doing it. His love is constant, mine is sporadic. The lesson is ongoing in the novel as it is in life, and filled with wonder and faith in the face of obstacles.”

The PGA tour has always been heavily populated with professional golfers who are very visible as witnesses to their Christian Faith. The current crop includes top players such as Jordan Speith, Bubba Watson, Davis Love III, Justin Leonard, Webb Simpson, Zach Johnson, and Stewart Cink.

Bill Rogers, 1981 British Open Champion, former PGA Player of the Year, and a life-long Christian, is very active in Christian-related philanthropy. He wrote the following endorsement for the book:

“Joe Bullock has managed to use humor and the great game of golf to weave a beautiful faith message in Walking with Herb. This book will put a great big smile on your face.”

One of the most notable international devout Christian golfers is Bernhard Langer, former Number 1 ranked player in the world, and a two-time Masters Champion. He is a shining example of being very public about his Faith. When I asked him to read my book, and respond with an endorsement, he was quick to get back to me with the following, which is on the book’s cover:


“This inspirational and unique story touches every golfer’s heart. We know we have a big God, but do we dream big enough to prove it to the world and to ourselves? Do we trust our God enough to accomplish the things He wants us to? A truly captivating read and engaging story.”

For every famous Christian golfer, there are thousands of ordinary golfers who use the sport as a witness opportunity. My father was one of them, as were many of his old golfing buddies. An article I wrote about him which appeared in Golf Digest a few years ago. I’m looking to find the article on-line, I’ll get back to you guys as soon as I do.

I honestly believe that golf is one of the many gifts God has given us, but with the caveat, that like almost all of His gifts, we need to use it wisely. Golf is wonderful for teaching life lessons, providing wonderful witnesses, raising money for good causes, etc., but it can be harmful if not used in moderation wherein it conflicts with family time and our other Christian pursuits.

Thanks for reading my thoughts on Golf and God.

Have a comment or a question? Just write below! I love getting feedback and it motivates me to put even more time and effort into my work. Thanks! 🙂 /Joe.

Timeless Gift

I always take great joy, in receiving all of the graduation announcements that arrive about this time each year. However, it is a bit of a mixed bag, as they remind me about how fast time is flying by…”I can’t believe Johnny is graduating, it seems like he was playing Little League Baseball just a couple of years ago!” My wife taught Kindergarten for over twenty years, and is usually a somewhat wistful, looking at the graduation picture of the now fully-grown young man or woman, barely recognizable from the “little toot” she taught how to read.

We usually respond with the standard, (and expected) cash gift, but for the graduates for whom we have a special attachment, I send them a copy of the book below. Cash has a tendency to disappear rather quickly, especially from the hands of young people. Timeless advice lasts longer.
